Station name: | Irkutsk3 (Ирку́тск) |
Station short name: | IRK3 |
Start date: | 2023-01-23 |
End date: | None |
Head organization: | ISTP SB RAS |
Principal investigator: | Sdobnov Valeriy |
Contact person: | Sdobnov Valeriy |
Latitude [°]: | 51.29 |
Longitude [°]: | 100.55 |
Altitude [m] asl: | 3000.0 |
Geomagnetic cutoff rigidity [GV]: | 3.64 |
Average count rate [s-1] during solar activity minimum: | 0.0 |
Average count rate [s-1] during solar activity maximum: | 0.0 |
Reference atmospheric pressure [mbar]: | 715.0 |
Barometric coefficient [%/mbar]: | 0.72 |
Information on detector housing: | |
Type of counter tube: | NM64 |
Number of counter tubes: | 6 |
Information on detector: | Russian СНМ-15 |
Atmospheric pressure sensor: | Russian БРС-1М |
Information about clock: |