Station name: Fort Smith
Station short name: FSMT
Start date: 2000-10-04
End date: None
Head organization: Bartol Research Foundation, University of Delaware, Sharp Laboratory, Newark, DE 19716, USA
Principal investigator: John Bieber
Contact person: Roger Pyle
Latitude [°]: 60.02
Longitude [°]: -111.93
Altitude [m] asl: 206.0
Geomagnetic cutoff rigidity [GV]: 0.3
Average count rate [s-1] during solar activity minimum: 230.0
Average count rate [s-1] during solar activity maximum: 180.0
Reference atmospheric pressure [mbar]: 1013.0
Barometric coefficient [%/mbar]: 0.75
Information on detector housing: Steep roof, material: TBD g/cm^2
Type of counter tube: 3-He counters (LND 25373)
Number of counter tubes: 18
Information on detector: Moderator: Standard NM-64
Atmospheric pressure sensor: DigiQuartz Digital Barometer
Information about clock: GPS receiver